Thursday, August 20, 2009

Total Failure

This is it, the last time! I have now tried three times to start a sourdough culture and each time it's grown mold. Of all of times, this last one was going the best. It constantly had bubbles and seemed great. The mold forms on the side walls of the container, so maybe I should try one more time and take special care to scrape down the sides after mixing. Perhaps even wipe with a cloth. So, should I try one last time? I know I said this third attempt was the last one, but I have a hard time quitting! I don't fail at anything I do, so when I do fail, I find it quite hard to accept. So perhaps after the heat dies down a bit, I will try again.

In the mean time I have been making delicious scones and pastries. Albeit, a bit hard without a pastry cutter to cut the butter in. I decided today was the day to find one. I also have been on the hunt for a hand crank egg beater and a scale. Oh and just for kicks I HAD to buy this cool mixer! To top that off, I found the same one, minus some parts at the thrift store today, so now I have two. One for parts I suppose!

My lettuce is doing well .... oh no! I gotta run, it's dusk and I have some ant hunting to do! We may have carpenter ants!

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